You & your camera need to get close.
Olympus Zuiko 12-100 @ 100mm 1/100 f16 ISO 200
Everyone knows aperture priority is divinely created and your best and most versatile shooting mode. All blossom shots here arose from heavenly mists of aperture preference.
Summer is such a glorious time. I’m sure all my readers walk in addition to doing your daily hour of gym workout. Freshens the mind, ya know. It also clears out blockages in your creativity and vision channels so you can shoot beautiful photos on summer days.
On the corner of my street, people, much better at gardening than I, have the coolest little Zinia garden. Since I love macro photography more than almost any other aspect of photography I decided my Olympus E-M1 Mark II sporting Olympus’ superb 60mm macro lens, a most capable and compact pairing, had to accompany me on my walk one morning so I could photograph my neighbor’s unbelievably colorful flowers along with any honeybees patrolling the area.
Olympus 60 Macro 1/600 f5.6, ISO 800My E-M1 Mark II is superbly designed for this type of shooting. The 60 macro features infinity to 1:1 reproduction ratio shooting at apertures from f2.8 through f16, providing great landscapes all the way to magnificent closeup images. The camera body offers up blazingly fast autofocus with points covering most of my image field. Most importantly, Olympus’ Pro Capture really calms anxieties raised when attempting BIF images. No, not, birds in flight; bees in flight. Without Pro Capture, the best way to capture bee's comings and goings is, "spray and pray," mass image generation. 5, 8, 10 or 20 frames per second increases your chances but drastically increases memory consumption. Pro Capture’s ingenious design continuously shoots at 15 or
Olympus 60 Macro 1/640 f5.0 ISO 40030 frames per second when partially depressing the shutter release. It doesn’t record any of these images until you completely depress the shutter release, at which point it records not only that image but the 14 images occurring within the 1 second before you took the picture. Within that 15 shot sequence, you nearly always get the perfect shot.
Shooting flower blossoms often just comes down to patience. I long believed universal powers that be see you out shooting flower photos. Raising your camera to your eye sends signals through the ether to those controlling wind, letting them know they should loose large numbers of moving air molecules in your direction. You could be in stagnant air for weeks. Just take our your camera to shoot flowers and, “Woosh!” Winds push your flowers out of focus. This shooting session proved no exception. Just make sure, as did I, you’re prepared with high enough shutter speeds and you’ll be OK. Don’t be afraid to get close. When you think you’re close enough, get in a little closer.